Estefanía Álvarez Ramírez (°Medellin, 1993) - she/her - is a Colombian dancer, performer and maker.
She studied Architecture in Colombia between 2010 and 2014.
She studied classical dance in Colombia, completed her B.A. in modern dance in the Folkwang University of the Arts in Essen in 2019 and obtained her M. A. in Dance at P.A.R.T.S. in Brussels in 2021.
She has worked since 2016 with Luisa Fernanda Alfonso creating a series of duets. She performed in Leila Hekmat’s ‘Il Matrimonio di Immacolata’ for Schinkel Pavillon, Berlin and Lena Grossmann’s ‘Mimetic Bodies’ in Lothringer 13, Munich and the Kunstverein Freiburg. She has collaborated with Spazio Cura - Designer and Architect Thorben Gröbel and with Stanley Ollivier as a Dramaturge for his work ‘The Mirror Stand’.
In 2021 she created a solo work WORK. WOOD. GOOD. which focused on bringing craftspersonship and her constructions to the stage in the frame of her M.A in P.A.R.T.S.
In 2023 she directed the creation ‘Title under-construction’ for the B.A. 3rd year Drama students at KASK Conservatory in Ghent.
Her personal research is driven by the notions of built and unbuilt constructions. A research on how to intertwine her love for architecture, space, materiality and collective and personal fictions. Sentimentality, imagery and text production are fundamental to her research as well. She would define herself as a ‘composer-arranger’.
At the moment she is working with Bosse Provoost and Ezra Veldhuis, Carly Rae Heathcote, Keren Kraizer and Lydia McGlinchey.
She is currently working on a new creation with Luisa Fernanda Alfonso and co-writing a new project with Geert Belpaeme.
Estefanía lives in Brussels and works between Belgium and Germany.

© Mary Szydlowska